![]() Love & Life's Reflections ![]() Life of Lucille Vitamvas October 5,1925 - July 20, 2009 My mother lived her life as an example of the Proverbs 31 wife (Proverbs 31:10-31). She showed love, patience, kindness, tenderness, was a peacemaker, protector of the family, kept busy at home (reading, ceramics, knitting, sewing, restoring old furniture), was wise with managing money (saving and investing) and always maintained a positive attitude-no matter what happened she always believed things would get better. Many of these values and principles were passed down to her by her parents:Roy and Maggie Metheny, whom I love very much... ![]() Ode To Lucille If I could repay in part the love and trust and faith, that you have given so unselfishly from deep within your heart then I would know eternal peace Alas tis not--the price you pay is measured nor by rule and tape but rather by un-earthly pain that solely eats your heart away The Devil's wrath do I unleash. I offer this to you, my love as token of my gratitude. I know of no wealth can 'er replace this earned reward you'll find above Eternal Peace John William Vitamvas Copyright ©2004 John William Vitamvas The inspiration for the poem. This explains the true meaning of the wedding vows. "This is dedicated to my wife of 57 years, who has given me her enduring love thru many time of hardship, insecurity and four children. yet she never faltered in our marriage. it was composed in 1949 by a world war II vet and ex-pow, who would have fallen by the wayside except for her strength and guiding love." ![]() ![]() Evening Breeze Evening breeze, across the sea you follow in the wake of day and softly brush my cares away. How welcome after burning sun and bleaching winds, have dimmed my view, of hopes and dreams that can"t xcome true Evening breeze, with fall of night you turn the key, and open wide the door to me, and beckon to the land of peace. And as I pass into the night, the doors swing closed and life is through. I did not know my rights and wrongs I did as I believed; until you came for me Oh Evening Breeze John William Vitamvas Copyright ©2004 John William Vitamvas ![]() Perhaps Tomorrow For what one toils his life away? If earthly cashe should be our goal, tis odd we leave reward untouched when death our name upon it's scroll strikes out. If rich belief and servitude should be Littoral aim, then why does God tend Sorcerer, who takes his name in vain? Perchance; another cause exists, reserved for man of later date. When they have learned to know themselves, then side by side they'll choose their fate. John William Vitamvas Copyright ©2004 John William Vitamvas ![]() ![]() Reflections If mundane thoughts shall be our guide and we secumb to temptest"s past Then we clasp not, for which we tried Our goals recede as we advance If wisdom be...the path we choose and trial and tribulation meet Then shall our course be tried and true Our journey"s end shall we complete Shalt man allow his wisdom grow bout universe and science and natural law To only rise and fall again cause he himself..he failed to know? John William Vitamvas Copyright ©2004 John William Vitamvas ![]() Upon A Beech Upon a beech, alone one day I sat in dreamy thought and pondered, could the sea but speak of life so long forgot Of blackman sold, and chained to hold with chanting filled the night When sorm lashed seas would claim the craft and justify their right Of cities proud, and people free of Empires vast and strong Struck down by war on land and sea how can you right this wrong? With earthly rights so crucified How can you live let live From blackened depths the answer came Forget Forgive, forget Forgive. John William Vitamvas Copyright ©2004 John William Vitamvas ![]() ![]() ![]() Other poems by my dad Poetry.com "sponsored by the International Library of Poetry, is by far the largest and most comprehensive poetry site on the Internet. Our mission is to eliminate the traditional barriers that prevent most people from having their message heard. We believe that poetry is a valid form of expression no matter who writes it, that poetry is not just for a chosen few. We know that everyone has his or her own individual style and point of view. We're here to encourage the expression of your unique vision." ![]() ![]() |