
In today's society we are always so busy with work, raising our children, fullfilling our
obligations, ect. We have too little time, too much to do, too many places to go
and occasionally may forget to keep that appointment. (Did I have an appointment?)
We have to pay our bills, buy things for the kids, take them to soccer, ballet, ect.,
fix something for dinner (or go to KFC), go to work, study for that class, meet
with a potential customer, keep the appointment with the dentist,...

We have so much to do despite the invention of computers, microwaves, cellular
phones, and other modern conviences. Why isn't life more simplier?

Life is busier today and the modern conviences only allow us to do more in one
day. However this doesn't make our life less stressful. We have to learn to "take
time to smell the roses".

Go for a walk in the woods.

Play monopoly or twister with your children.

Go out for a romantic evening with your spouse.

Sleep in late on your day off.
Do something you really enjoy.

Help out someone in need.
Visit someone in the hospital or nursing home.

Whatever you do take time for family and friends, but most of all remember that
God created all things. Keep your thoughts on what is true, good and right. Think
about things that are pure and lovely and look for the good in others. Always
keep a grateful attitude and praise God for all things. (Phil.4:8)

With this we can always get refocused when we get too busy and learn to look
at the beauty in what God has created in all things.
