
There are some days when it takes all your energy just
to put one foot in front of the other. If your life is
hurting, and your dreams have faded, there is still hope.
The trials may not go away, but you can choose how you
will go through the tough times. When you take on the
perspective of Christ your whole attitude of dealing with
disappointment or hurt can change.

How to rejoice through hard times:
*Know you are not alone. Though you may look different
from the next person, have a different house and job, the
one thing that unites us is that we all know what it means
to hurt. Suffering is a universal language. Tears are the
same for married, unmarried, or divorced; for Jews,
Muslims, Christians; for white, black, or brown; for
children, adults, or the elderly.
*You have a living hope. You don't have to concern
yourself over what happens on this earth when you know
that it is leading you to your eternal destination.
*You have a permanent inheritance. You have a secure home
in heaven. Your place is reserved under the safekeeping,
constant, omnipotent surveillance of Almighty God.
*You have divine protection. The power of God is your
security. You will not be lost in the process of
suffering. No matter what the calamity, the
disappointment, or depth of pain, your soul is divinely
*You can accept and trust. Accept the mystery of hardship,
suffering, misfortune, or mistreatment. Then, deliberately
trust God to protect you by His power - from this moment
to the dawning of eternity.
*Trials develop your faith. Trials are often necessary,
proving the genuineness of your faith and at the same time
teaching you humility. They reveal your helplessness and
can put you on your face before God.
*Trials teach you compassion. You will never make light of
another's test or cruelly force others to smile when
enduring hardship. Your trials will teach you what others
are feeling.
*You have an unseen Savior. You have not physically seen
Jesus, but you love Him nevertheless. You can sense His
presence with absolute confidence and rejoice that He is
there with you.

Mike Yorkey is a free-lance writer, former editor of
Focus on the Family magazine, and author or co-author of
several books, including The Second Decade of Love and
Saving Money Any Way You Can. He and his wife, Nicole,
have two teen-age children.
Sandra P. Aldrich's most recent books are Bless Your Socks
Off, Kids Fight When the Phone Rings, and Men Read
Newspapers, Not Minds. Widowed mother of two adult
children, she speaks frequently at writers' workshops and
women's conferences.
