Once a year you take a financial reading of your life. It's
called tax time. As you prepare your tax documents, look over
your spending for the last year. How has your money been spent?
This gives you an indication of what's important in your life.
When we realize that our Heavenly Father has entrusted us with
His wallet, we will want to get our priorities right in all our
purchases. God has deposited His wealth with us so that our money
and resources can be used for His Kingdom.
How to spend God's way:
* Honor Him with your money. We must not give Him 10%, then do
whatever we want because we have paid our dues. Where you
invest your treasure is the true location of your heart (Luke
12:34). An accountant should be able to look at your entire
budget and conclude that God is given weighty consideration
in your life.
* Train your children. Your child should be trained from the
toddler stage to give in order to help relieve the hard times
of others - as an expression of their love for God and to
support the work of His church. Challenge them to think, How
can I honor God with my allowance? If you begin teaching them
early, they will learn the habit of generous giving. As their
resources grow, so too will their giving.
* Meet the material needs of your family. Credit cards should
not be used to fake a higher lifestyle than you can afford
when there is not enough money to pay for necessities. Wise
people settle down, earn the bread they eat, and live within
their means. God places a high value on meeting the needs of
one's family when your priorities are in order.
* Graciously give to those in need. There are so many people
who are suffering in poverty, who desperately need all the
help you can give. From worldwide relief organizations to the
poor fellow on the corner, each makes an appeal to our
resources. But a worthy cause, alone, is not enough. God
looks into your heart to determine your motives in giving.
God wants you to give cheerfully and generously.
* Enjoy with others what God gives you. You don't have to feel
guilty for your abundance if you share it with others. You
can use your abundance to bring joy to others, particularly
when you realize, and share with others, that your wealth is
a result of God's blessings and not your own doing.
David Wyrtzen is a graduate of Houghton College and
received his Th.M. and Th.D degrees from Dallas
Theological Seminary. He is pastor of Midlothian
Bible Church in Midlothian, Texas, and the author of
Unexpected Grace: How God Brings Meaning Out of Our
Failures. He and his wife, Mary, are the parents of
four children.
From Raising Worldly Wise But Innocent Kids by David
Wyrtzen, copyright (c) 1995. Used by permission of
Discovery House Publishers, affiliated with RBC
Ministries, Grand Rapids, Mich. 49512,