"Except for school and family, no situation plays a bigger role
in shaping the American child than TV," says Richard Zoglin. The
average home today has the TV on six hours and 17 minutes a day.
The average American child will watch 5,000 hours of TV before
first grade.
The negative effects of TV watching:
* It demands your time. It is addictive as it draws the viewer
* It determines behavior. Overwhelming evidence shows more than
a "casual link" between children's watching TV violence and
the performance of violent acts.
* It distorts the perception of reality. Children confuse real
life with TV life and values. One study discovered 90 percent
of boys surveyed would rather watch their favorite TV program
than spend time with their fathers.
* It dulls moral sensitivity. A steady diet of soap operas,
sitcoms, or movies desensitizes - enabling acceptance of what
earlier would have been rejected (for example: adultery,
premarital sex, murder, violent rage).
* It destroys meaningful family life. Time in front of the TV
diminishes time for games, reading, music, conversation, and
can be lethal to cultivating creativity.
What the Bible says about TV is seen in these principles:
* The principle of stewardship of time. Time is like any other
commodity. This includes the time spent in front of the TV
(Eph. 5:15-16).
* The principle of control. Self-control is a fruit of the
Spirit. There is no greater test of this virtue than personal
discipline in TV viewing (1 Cor. 6:12; Gal. 5:23).
* The principle of moral purity. You must choose whatever is
true, ...honorable, ...right, ...pure, ...lovely, ...of good
repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of
praise, let your mind dwell on these things. These virtues
form the grid for making wise viewing choices.
* The principle of edification. You have great freedom in
Christ - but with it comes immense responsibility. A regular
diet of poor TV may actually tear down your faith (1 Cor.
* The principle of God's glory. All that you do is for God's
glory. Is watching TV glorifying Him? (1 Cor. 10:31).
What you can do:
* Make choices. Participate actively in entertainment choices.
Ask yourself, How is this affecting me? Passivity is
* Be selective. The TV or VCR are not the only choices.
Consider visiting an art museum, a concert, or historical
location. Consider family reading times or playing board
games together. Enjoy the silence.
* Read program descriptions. Watch TV with your children and
discuss the content, themes, and worldview presented in the
program. Don't be hesitant to turn off the TV midshow if it
becomes inappropriate for children - or yourself.
* Periodically log how much you and your family are viewing.
Consider limiting the number of shows your child may watch
each week.
* Do not stare passively at commercials. Talk about current
events, or discuss the product or persuasive content of the
advertisement with one another.
James P. Eckman is president and professor in
Theology, Ethics, and History at Grace University,
Omaha, Neb. An ordained minister, he hosts a weekly
radio program, Issues in Perspective, and lectures on
postmodern era implications for the Christian
From Christian Ethics in a Postmodern World by James
P. Eckman. Copyright (c) 1999 by Evangelical Training
Association, Wheaton, Ill. 1-800-369-8291. Used by